Mini-Habits [Review]

Mini-Habits [Review]

Mini Habits by Stephen Guise is the book I’ve been writing in my head for years. Well, almost. It’s about intentionally forming good habits by setting the bar really, really low. Mini-Habits is a highly practical book. Unlike The Power of Habit, for example, which...
The Psychology of Sales Call Reluctance [Review]

The Psychology of Sales Call Reluctance [Review]

The Psychology of Sales Call Reluctance by George Dudley and Shannon Goodson is a critical and scientific look at a problem that plagues a lot of industries besides those with highly visible sales forces: Fear of Self Promotion. The Psychology of the Fear of Self...
Co-Creating Change [Review]

Co-Creating Change [Review]

Co-Creating Change by Jon Frederickson is a book I read on accident after Amazon suggested it and I failed notice the author was not ‘Ron Frederick’, the author of Living Like You Mean It. Mistaken as I may have been, it was serendipity that the book fell...
Living Like You Mean It [Review]

Living Like You Mean It [Review]

Living Like You Mean it by Ronald Frederick has the most self-helpiest title ever conceived. And good lord, the tag line really drives it home: “Use the WISDOM and POWER of Your EMOTIONS to Get the Life You Really Want”. All it’s missing is eight...
The Book On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are [Review]

The Book On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are [Review]

The Book On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are is a classic book by Alan Watts. One of the more than 25 books he wrote before he died in 1973. Watts was one of those legendary thinker-types that was probably just a few degrees off from true insanity. Or at least he...