by William | Feb 25, 2015
The Power of Less: The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Essentials… in Business and Life by Leo Babauta is an abuse of the subheading. How am I supposed to tweet about that? I know, titling a book is hard. My abuse aside, Leo Babauta has collected a good...
by William | Oct 26, 2014
ReWork by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson is a book dedicated to throwing water on what are commonly though of as business ‘non-negotiables’. The authors claim authority in their deconstruction right from the start. “This book isn’t based on...
by William | Jul 15, 2014
Ah, good old 2004. I would have recently graduated high school, if I had felt that was something worth my time. And, It might’ve been, but not for being completely out of step with the way I was going to internalize information; probably some angst related stuff...
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