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The Photographer’s Eye [Review]

The Photographer’s Eye [Review]

The Photographer’s Eye by Michael Freeman is a textbook, mostly, for the intangible aspects of art within photography. That is to say, concepts of shape and design, process and mental fortitude, as opposed to the coarse grain of technique. It’s a book...
Opportunity Screams [Review]

Opportunity Screams [Review]

Opportunity Screams by Tom Asacker. I’ll admit, the title caught me. I read the book because the last one, The Business of Belief, was excellent. Paradigm shifting. I wanted to hear more of what Asacker had to say. I wasn’t altogether disappointed. The,...
The Path of Least Resistance [Review]

The Path of Least Resistance [Review]

Whenever I read an old, well-liked, book and then sit down to write a review, I suddenly feel kind of silly calling it a review. In fact, that happens almost every time. “Uh, that ship has sailed buddy.” I imagine people must be thinking when they read my...
Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Got Married [Review]

Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Got Married [Review]

Okay, lets make one thing perfectly clear: I judged this book by its cover so hard. Look at that clean, modern, thin type-face and the simplistic little heart and question mark graphic. Had I done some reading on the author (which now seems like a name I should have...
An Esoteric Review of Kurt Vonnegut’s Lies

An Esoteric Review of Kurt Vonnegut’s Lies

William Petruzzo used to hate reading. It was tedious, and boring, and time is such a precious thing to waste on thinking. One day William Petruzzo loved reading. Books and shampoo bottles and websites. Books about God, and about books about God; Shampoo bottles about...