Oh Crit! The DnD Improv Show Video Campaign from September

  Hello again, void. I’m sorry it’s been a few months since you heard from me. There’s just so much going on right now, it’s hard to keep everything straight. Ok, where were we? Right, back in September. Back in September some very good...
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My name is William Petruzzo

I am an artist and a creative explorer.

I began my journey as a child admiring my father’s photography. I took a liking to illustration and cinema, and later to graphic design. My medium has always been visual, until recently when I began experimenting with music.

In my view, art is uniquely human, and that is how I define it: as that which is created by a human with intention. I believe there is a great deal to learn about ourselves and those around us if we give ourselves to the discipline of bringing things to life every day. Even when it’s ugly, art is love and love brings life.

I believe a happy life is one with people you love, and passions you have the freedom to pursue. I create for myself, and for my livelihood. If you are interested in commissioning my services, you can do so through the Petruzzo Photography collective. You can also find me on Mastodon.

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Books I’ve Been Reading

The Path of Least Resistance [Review]

Whenever I read an old, well-liked, book and then sit down to write a review, I suddenly feel kind of silly calling it a review. In fact, that happens almost every time. “Uh, that ship has sailed buddy.” I imagine people must be thinking when they read my...

Within the Frame: The Journey of Photographic Vision [Review]

Within the Frame: The Journey of Photographic Vision by David DuChemin is actually the first photography book I have ever read. Most of my approach toward photography is either inherited from my father, or developed from within, and without, on my perpetual journey...

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