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The End of Jobs [Review]

The End of Jobs [Review]

The End of Jobs by Taylor Pearson is a book about the changing expectations of success in the world. “Globalization means you are no longer competing to be more knowledgeable than the person down the street, but more knowledgeable than seven billion people...
Mini-Habits [Review]

Mini-Habits [Review]

Mini Habits by Stephen Guise is the book I’ve been writing in my head for years. Well, almost. It’s about intentionally forming good habits by setting the bar really, really low. Mini-Habits is a highly practical book. Unlike The Power of Habit, for example, which...
Traction [Review]

Traction [Review]

Traction: A Startup Guide to Getting Customers can act like a extended cheat sheet while trying to figure out your business is going to get customers. When businesses startup, they have a lot of different options. So many it can feel overwhelming. At almost any stage...
Hooked [Review]

Hooked [Review]

Hooked by Nir Ayal is a book in the same vein as The Power of Habit, but with a focus on how technology can be used to harness that power. “How to build habit forming products” the tagline says. The book has received critical acclaim, and made its way to a...
Growth Hacker Marketing [Review]

Growth Hacker Marketing [Review]

Growth Hacker Marketing, by Ryan Holiday is a synopsis of the advancing “growth hacker” trend in marketing. Holiday was a marketing VP at 25, “self taught, self made”, and distraught to learn that his professional title was being given to someone new, the...
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team [Review]

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team [Review]

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni is a eminently readable book, mostly novelized, about why teams fail and what they need to work and perform at a high level. “If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same direction, you...