Pop-Up Sessions in February
Spring started in February, and I was itching to get outside. I made a trip out to Annapolis on my own one afternoon to simply shoot whatever. It was fun interacting with the random people on the street, and I quickly got into a “pop-up session” groove....
Infinitely Looping Video Clips in January
January was a lot of things. “productive”, “comfortable” and “optimistic”, didn’t describe any of them. However, “busy”, “distracting”, and “motivating” were somewhere on the list. After taking a break from the monthly project in December, I wanted to get onto...
The Art I Puked Up in 2016
2016 was a difficult year. This was the first time in my life that politics had any kind of real emotional impact. It was also the first time in my life that I nailed down some bad habits that have haunted me forever. So it was a mixed bag, but personally, a net...
Taking to the Skies in November
A drone is a purchase I’ve been dancing around for the better part of a year now, and in November, I decided to take the plunge. My interest in drones is twofold. First, as a photographer I crave new vantage points and new ways to capture the images in my head. From...
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