“See For Yourself” Music from July
These last few months, my projects have seemed to become this nebulous blob. One day I’m out shooting a roll of film for something I think’ll be done sometime next year. The next day I’m setting up lights and cameras for some interview style videos....
Only You, a Rendition of Yazoo in May
Well, I am quite behind here on this blog. Almost 3 months to be exact. I briefly considered simply post-dating these blogs and then pretending like I’d published them on-time, but that old saying “Integrity means doing the right thing even when no one is watching”...
No Vacations in September, Except This Rendition of One
This has been a tough one. This post comes reluctantly, with a plethora of second guesses. My commitment to myself is to invest energy every month in an art project and post it when the clock says it’s done. I’ve posted some somewhat incomplete projects in the past....
Holding Out For a Hero in July
July was a fun month for artwork. Around July 2nd or 3rd, I started working on a cover of a song I’ve long thought would be fun to do: Holding Out for a Hero by Bonnie Tyler. The original is over-the-top enthusiastic about itself in all of the right ways, so...
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