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Photography: A Critical Introduction [Review]

Photography: A Critical Introduction [Review]

Photography: A Critical Introduction is an academic game of-catch up in the history of photographic development, and especially the debates around those developments. It was a good, exhausting read. The book, which is in its fifth edition, is on the reading list for...
February: Kodachrome, A Rendition

February: Kodachrome, A Rendition

Last month, I uploaded my first instrumental track. It was a challenge to let go of the sense of narrative that comes when you add vocals to a song. I also announced that I intended to make one song each month in 2015. And today, I’m keeping up with my goal and...
Picture Perfect Posing [Review]

Picture Perfect Posing [Review]

Picture Perfect Posing by Roberto Valenzuela is not a book about the perfect poses, which is almost useless to anyone but the faddist. It’s a book about the building blocks of them and it’s a very effective instructor. Posing, like the rest of photography,...
Financial Intelligence [Review]

Financial Intelligence [Review]

I am not a numbers guy. And alas, I can’t say that Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs by Karen Burman and Joe Knight made me into a financially intelligent entrepreneur. But it did highlight how much I don’t know and that’s a kind of...