A spot of history
From November 27th, 2007 through about March 2011, I posted to this blog with a religious zeal. If you were to go back and read through all 1,209 that were published, you’d understand the pun closing the last sentence, and you’d know that by the beginning of 2011 I was kicking and screaming to keep a personal endeavor alive that was just begging me to let it die.

The day before my first post, it snowed a whole bunch. It might’ve started on a boredom inspired whim.
By January 2011, my most engaging posts were wondering what happened to eBay, what makes a dog leash a dog leash, and how totally racist Star Wars is–which is apparently something everyone already knows about.
With the exception of a little nothing here and a little nothing there, I finally let it fizzle out.
Later, in early 2012, I attempted a reboot of my website with a more photo centric, look-at-how-unpretentious-I-am, theme. This didn’t work. I was mostly interested in recapturing the nostalgic aspect of something I’d done for so long. I even renamed it ‘Show & Tell’. Not that it mattered, I was the only one here. Pretty hipster, actually.
At the beginning of this year, my mother passed away. She was nothing short of incredible. Best mom ever. Totally a ‘candle that burns brighter…’ kind of thing. Whatever, the point is she was unbelievably great and we all loved her a lot. We miss her, but we’re getting by alright.

Mom holding up grandchild number three, so that he can see grandchildren numbers five and six. There are a lot of layers of love in this photo.
Right now
In the weeks and months following my mother’s passing, lots of things have oscillated in and out of perspective. I briefly considered growing a rat-tale, like some kind of genetic protest of my receding hairline. But as I’ve gotten my bearings, I find myself here again.
In those first years writing here on this site, I learned a lot about myself and the nature of discipline, grace, patience, commitment and embarrassment. I may have learned some other things too, like how to love reading books. It was all an accident though. The kind of learning that takes place while you’re not trying to learn anything and then one day you just realize you’re wonderful and assume you must’ve been born that way. This time, it will be different. This time I’m going to do it on purpose.
So here’s the plan
I’m going to use this space, and a deadline-driven posting schedule, to help me pursue those interests of mine that otherwise have no outlet. Some of it will probably be cringe-worthy.
In defiance of the little I know of Search Engine Optimization, this website will be about whatever I feel like committing my mind and time to. It’s hard to say what that will be exactly. But, here are some things I’m currently interested in.
– Art, especially visual art
– Music
– Food
– Drug policy reform
– Writing
– What-if’s
– My opinions on everything
So, I guess in conclusion, this website is for me. But, I guess I also kind of need you for that. So, I’m going to try and write about what I want to write about, but I’ll try and keep it entertaining. Twice a week.
this is charming: “The kind of learning that takes place while you’re not trying to learn anything and then one day you just realize you’re wonderful and assume you must’ve been born that way. ”
Yes, stalking your blog led me here today.
Oh no, you made it all the way down to my premature re-declarations of intentions! 😛