Credit where it’s due: I didn’t come up with the doritos dust recipe, Vegan Richa did. Well, actually I don’t know if that’s true. But that’s definitely where I first learned about it.
Anyway, yeah, you can make your own Doritos dust and put it on everything. I’ll say that again, you can make your own Doritos dust and put it on everything. The taste is like the classic Doritos chips. Cheesy and a little spicy. Whatever, it’s Doritos. The point is, you can make everything taste like them and that’s really all any of us really wants. Turns out the Doritos dust is gluten free, I think; So that’s cool if you’re into that.
There’s one pretty weird ingredient in there; I’d never heard of it before: Nutritional Yeast. Apparently it’s pretty good for you, actually. It’s a complete protein, that has a lot of vitamins, especially B-Complex vitamins. It’s also low in fat and sodium, and has no dairy, sugar or gluten. Don’t get me wrong though, it sounds like I’m well informed, but I just rephrased wikipedia.
Anyway, the stuff is kind of flaky-powdery. It tastes like cheese. Actually, remarkably like cheese. I found it at MOM’s organic market, which is conveniently located right next to Aldi and the Liquor store–the more frequent stops of the kind of person who plans to make everything taste like Doritos.
Here’s the other stuff you need:
1/2 Cup Nutritional Yeast
2 tbsp Onion Powder
2 tbsp Garlic Powder
2 tbsp Paprika
1 tbsp Cayenne
1 tbsp Salt
1 tbsp Sea Salt
Basically, you just put this stuff in the food processor and let it run until it’s a really fine powder. Careful not to try and smell it right away or you’ll inhale a bunch of Doritos soul. Also, it doesn’t really smell like anything. So, you know, learn from my mistakes.

I bought a shaker from the dollar store specifically to make it easier for things to taste like Doritos.
Doritos Dust works best on dry food, or oily food. Burgers, tacos, pizza, chips, french fries, crappy steak, pasta, and fried chicken all make great candidates for The Dust. Watery foods, like vegetables, don’t work great unless you add a little butter or something.
If you’re the kind of person who finds recipes online and then actually makes them, then you can probably stop reading. But more likely, you really really need me to spell it out for you. So, here’s a very specific idea that will be delicious.
Doritos Grilled Egg & Cheese Sandwich
You need:
Some Doritos Dust
2 slices of bread
Butter, or something like it
2 slices of cheese-food
1 Egg
Do these things:
Heat up a griddle to medium. If you’re not sure, less heat is better than too much. Butter the bread. You really don’t need much, but load it on there cause you’re having a rough week. Put one piece of bread, butter side down on the griddle. Place the cheese on top.
Crack the egg on the griddle. Let it fry until the edges are getting a little crispy. Place the other piece of bread on the griddle butter side down, and place the egg on top. By this time, the first piece of bread should be good and brown and the cheese should look melty. Flip this piece of bread onto the egg, cheese side down.
Now, get a plate and put one solid coat of The Dust on the plate. When the sandwich looks sort of like the one above, take it off the griddle and put it on the plate of Dust. Take a lot more Dust and dump it on top so it looks like this:
Use you fingers to slide the sandwich around in the dust. Turn it over a couple of times and really get it in there good. Then, since you needed to read this recipe to make a sandwich, it will look nothing like this;
Well, that’s it for this week. I’ll post again on Monday or Tuesday. I’m thinking it will probably be a look at some of my recent endeavors to learn 3D modeling and animation. I’ve got a long weekend to play with it!
Really good stuff. This was hilarious and now that you’ve proven it’s edible, I might have a go 🙂
Awesome! Would MSG benefit this recipe? Doritos has 3 types of MSG in it and I think that contributes to its delicious flavour.
Probably. Only one way to find out. Report back here when you know!
Im totally gunna try this. if this works im gunna put it on EVERYTHING 0_o
I truly hope you do. 😀
If you’re in a hurry, smoosh up actual Doritos and put into a shaker jar…ahh, instant gratification.
Gah, but all that corn filler! Oh Frito-Lay, why can’t you just give the people what they really want. 🙂
Don’t know what brewer’s yeast (aka nutritional yeast) is = never lied in a hoppie commune.
Thanks for this recipe, though. This old hippie’s house will never be without brewer’s yeast again.
Typo correction: “…never lived in a hippie commune.”
I wasn’t even stoned.
I quite like the idea of moving into a hippie commune. Or rather, making one out of the hippies I know, and living in it. Happy Doritosing. 🙂
Is there a difference in nutritional yeast ” season” and nutritional yeast “powder”? I found both.
My most honest answer, I don’t know. But, I’m guessing you want the powder. But get whichever one is kind of flaky and looks like epic dandruff. Good luck!
The illustration shows flakes.
I’ve been looking for a seasoning to put on Dehydrated bananas to substitute all those carb snacks. I will try this!
Yeah, that might be great, good luck! It’s really good with roasted chick peas, if the bananas don’t work out for you.
Can confirm that this is a semi-adequate seasoning to add to cheese dip when you don’t have actual Doritos to dip in. (I had to use CARROTS!)
Gotta say…. Nutritional yeast and Brewers yeast are two different things. But nutritional yeast is the bomb. Try roasting some veggies and sprinkling that stuff on there. Good times.
One missing essential ingredient. Tomato powder. That is KEY in the ingredients. Without it, it’s not a Dorito like flavor.